For Everything there is a Season

Cut flower garden last summer

Good Day Friends! And a beautiful winter day it is! Today as I sit in my sunny window, looking out at the snowy hills, frozen garden plants and leafless trees, I am reminded to be thankful for seasons. Often, winter is thought of as a season of darkness, coldness and lifelessness, and I admit, I have fallen into that mindset myself sometimes. But, winter can be such an exciting season also! Summer is usually our busy time, but winter is busy in a different way. Brain busy. So much has to be planned and prepared for the coming season and there are only so many winter days in which to do it! Planting calendars for the gardens are updated, seeds sorted, counted, selected and ordered from our favorite catalogs. Greenhouse space and equipment is cleaned and organized and repaired if needed before planting begins in March. New baby chicks are carefully chosen for their egg laying abilities, plumage and personality (not joking), then ordered and eagerly awaited. They will arrive by mail in early March. Cost analyses of products, future cost projections of expenses, areas to increase efficiency and cut unnecessary expenses are all thoroughly analyzed and incorporated into the plan for the new year. We rewrite our grazing plans for the coming season, aiming to maximize the number of grazing days and minimize the amount of hay we purchase by rotating through and then resting the pastures up to 5 times a season. Then I try to guess when the beef will reach that magic weight when they are perfectly filled out, perfectly plump and not a bit too fat, and schedule the processing dates with the butcher. New products are tested and refined for the market as we plan menus for the upcoming year.

Yes, the weather is unpleasant and dreary and we are anxiously waiting to be outside working in the fields and gardens once again but we know that spring always comes again. You can be sure that your farmers are working hard through this time to prepare for a great growing season in 2025.

If you cant wait until spring, remember our market is open on select Fridays and Saturdays in February, March and April!

Feb 21 and 22, March 7 and 8, March 21 and 22, and April 11 and 12. Fresh hot scones on Saturday mornings until 11am.

Cutting garden this week.


Challenges and Opportunities